Artificial Grass Definition

Artificial grass Definition is essentially the same as a lawn mower with a more violent appearance and nature.

By changing the color, it is quite similar to the natural grass, which has more benefits. This grass is denser, more robust. And requires much less maintenance. So far it has also solved the problem of grass seed growth in non-fertile soils.

Artificial grass is used in areas where natural grass growth is not available or is desirable. Impossible or difficult to maintain.

These types of flooring are mainly used in sports stadiums. Significant improvements have been made today in the production systems. Yarn type and substrates of these flooring.

First-generation lawns are still used in hockey fields and landscaping. The disadvantages of these types of grasses are the high slip. And their inadequate wear properties which increase. The risk of injury to football players.

Dimensions of Futsal Artificial Grass Definition

For the implementation of the Futsal Artificial Grass. Definition having certain dimensions, just as the natural Grass Ground will be constructed. As well as It will be executed exactly in the same range as the Artificial Grass.

Artificial Grass Definition

Choose from 92 to 120 meters and widths from 45 to 90 meters. Futsal is played on the basketball court. So if you want to create a standard of a futsal with artificial turf. So, you have to follow the dimensions provided below.

There are some that we will refer to after the FIFA standard. As well as Artificial Grass Definition (overall length from 25 to 42 meters and overall width). Furthermore Between 15 and 25 meters).
It should be noted, however, that in international. As well as competitions these dimensions are: length, at least 38 metros up to 42 meters.

Width, minimum 18 meters and maximum 25 meters. As well as the center circle is 3 m in height. The penalty spot to the gate line is 6 m. And as well as the gate size will be 2 m 3 gate height horizontal to 2 m.

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